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Friday, May 21, 2010

Oil Dependency

I learned that everyone depends on oil and with out having oil this economy leads to a conflict. Every where I go I see people struggle with their business, they lose clients and have to lay off their employees because there are no jobs available. I have seen many entrepreneurs closing their business because they cannot afford to maintain their workers nor their business. Many cities are losing their patience there have been riots because oil is being limited to certain amount of people and once every week. I have seen that things have been returning to normal but slowly, some people are beginning to get their jobs back and many business owners are beginning to have more different varieties and many other products in their stores. I believe that we can avoid another oil crisis by making sure that all the oil stations are secured and have no leaks. We can also start recycling and conserve more oil, and I believe that companies should depend less on oil. I think that the community should contribute and recycle more often and also people should not depend on their cars as much and should start using public transportation more often. People should also unplug any electrical objects that are not being used around the house or their office. Everyone should have learned a lesson by this oil crisis with the increase of prices and the decrease of supplies, and they should do their best to avoid another oil crisis.

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