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Friday, May 21, 2010

Oil Dependency

I learned that everyone depends on oil and with out having oil this economy leads to a conflict. Every where I go I see people struggle with their business, they lose clients and have to lay off their employees because there are no jobs available. I have seen many entrepreneurs closing their business because they cannot afford to maintain their workers nor their business. Many cities are losing their patience there have been riots because oil is being limited to certain amount of people and once every week. I have seen that things have been returning to normal but slowly, some people are beginning to get their jobs back and many business owners are beginning to have more different varieties and many other products in their stores. I believe that we can avoid another oil crisis by making sure that all the oil stations are secured and have no leaks. We can also start recycling and conserve more oil, and I believe that companies should depend less on oil. I think that the community should contribute and recycle more often and also people should not depend on their cars as much and should start using public transportation more often. People should also unplug any electrical objects that are not being used around the house or their office. Everyone should have learned a lesson by this oil crisis with the increase of prices and the decrease of supplies, and they should do their best to avoid another oil crisis.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Captain of a cargo ship

This oil crisis is affecting everyone including me. I’m the captain of a cargo ship and business has increased dramatically, I had to let go some of my best workers because we haven’t had work for weeks. We have many delays with the cargo because we cannot transport them to their exact location, we have to unload and load in different places because many docks are closed down causing me to spend more money transporting the good to different places. This oil spill is affecting the entire community because many people are now unemployed; fishermen are not able to fish, the tourist are leaving, restaurants are closing down, there are no seafood being sold. All the marine animals are affected many are dying because of all the oil in the water, many animals depend on plankton and with out it other sea creatures cannot eat causing them to die of starvation.


I believe that many companies depend on oil because it’s needed to transport goods all over the world. Every one depends on oil because with out it our life would be so much complicated, we need to have food and water transported. Also people need to travel and use their cars and heavy machinery daily and with out oil the percentage on unemployment will increase dramatically. There are countries over the world that are destroying their cities causing riots because of the decrease in oil and the increase in prices of certain amount of food products and fuel. I believe that the businesses that are mostly going to get affected and maybe forced to close down are the gas stations, NASA, Air force, air lines, MTA- public transportation and, also the local markets. I believe these businesses will get affected the most because they depend on oil the most, people will not be able to travel or use any sort of public transportation. Instead of driving across town or going to work people will have to walk. The market will also have a major effect on the entire community because with out no goods being transported people will not be able to buy their groceries or fresh foods at their local market they will have to go farther to a supermarket or a farmers market to get their fresh meat and fruit. Both rural areas and suburban areas will get affected because they wouldn’t be able to produce goods and also transport them. Some local businesses that I have seen around my community that have been affected are fast food restaurants, and local markets they have less products in the store and the prices are more expensive. I have seen that many people have been affected and people are continuing to lose their jobs. The actions that we are taking to become more self sustainable are that we are going less to the market and we travel less and don’t waist food. I get myself from one place to another usually in car but when I cant I depend on public transportation either the bus or the metro. Elasticity play a role I this economic crisis because markets and small businesses are losing customers people are going for the less expensive items, why buy a brand name product if the no brand taste the same. People are purchasing items in different stores; they look for the less expensive items available.