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Friday, April 30, 2010

Locavore? Frankenfood? What Are Those?!

i found this article interesting because i cannot not believe that we have a food shortage on fresh meat, fruit & vegetables. i was surprised because i tought that most of the food that we have in our local super markets were shiped from California. this oil shortage is affecting everyone all over the world because people are not able to travel as much and many goods and services cannot be trasported to other counties. its affecting mostly local markets because they are not getting their fresh items daily. this affects the entire community because since their is not enough fresh food being transported people go to different super markets to find their foods. also the prices are going increasing because the amount of the product decreases. this will affect my family because we go to the market every week and knowing that our daily items are missing we wont know what to do, because my mom is always buying fresh dairy products and we cannot live with out our daily nutrients and vitamins. i think that this is a big shock for the whole world because people are not willing to travel thousands of miles just for fresh fruit or fresh meat. the only right thing to do is to go to any local farmers market and buy as many food as possible so you wont have to travel each day.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Living Resources

well i think that if the airplain flights were to be canceled there would be many problems all over the worls because people will have to find different ways to travel. traveling in car or train will take more time to get to your destination, and you cannot not transport many things on a car or train. if all the gas station were to close down, it will make our lives impossible. if we didnt have gas, we cannot transport goods and services to other countires and we will run out of food and water. everyone will have to walk where ever they go because we will not be able to use any type of transportation. with out any goods being transported we will die because we need water and food to survive. we also need electrcity because if we didnt have no power no goods will be made and people will have no jobs. with out no jobs theres no money, and with out money you cannot fulfil your unlimited needs.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Supply & Demand!

Supply is what are you willing to sell in order to sastisfy your customers, and at what price are they willing to buy your goods.

Demand is what people decide what they want to buy and at what price they are willing to buy it for.

Something interesting and surprising about the quiz was that i found out that many different countries produce oil and i found it surprising because the countires are very small and have little population but yet they still produce and consume oil. something interesting was that even dough the oil productions decrease we still have oil in the ground.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Uses of Oil.

we use oil on a daily basis, i was suprised to know that we use 180 million gallon of oil per day. every where we go there are products made out of oil from plactics, rubber, gasoline, clothes, detergent, even the paint that we use in our homes. the bottles that we use to drink and the plastic containers for the garbage have petro chemicals which are found in oil. we use oil daily from house hold appliances to factories that use oil and cars that burn fuel and also cars that use bio disel and public transportation that use disel fuel.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life WIthout My Truck.

my freind cesar called me that he wanted to go out to party, but he said that he needed a ride and my truck was in shop. so we both decided to call the homie victor and asked him if he was down to go to a party but that both cesar and i needed a ride,victor says to call him 10mins later and he will see what he can do. ceasr and i call victor 15mins later and